Tuesday 17 March 2009

Good Morning

Good Morning! We were all awake at 6 o'clock this morning. We were all in our sleeping bags by 9pm last night. We didn't have a lot of sleep because there was a lot of chatting going on! We hope we have enough energy for all our exciting activities today. We hope you all have a fantastic morning. Please post us any comments or questions.


  1. Looks like fun. What animals and other creatures did you see?

  2. We saw lots of animals while we were doing our activities. We saw a hores on the way to the climbing wall, she was called Sidney. There are also some geese on the top field. Some of us saw a rabbit on the night walk last night.

  3. The night walks sounds really exciting. What did you do and see??

    Sounds like you have all been really adventurous doing the rafting and climbing. Hope Miss Searing has dried off!!

  4. We split into two groups, half of us went off while the others waited. We had to find coloured markers. The team who collected the red and blue markers were the winners.

  5. I loved the pictures of your trip. I hope you didn't get into trouble for getting Miss Searing wet. I wish I had seen it! Have a good day at school.

    Miss Searing's Mum
